Learn insider tips to get backlinks with HARO instead of doing blogger outreach.
Are you tired of pouring your heart and soul into your creative business only to see it struggle online? SEO can just be downright confusing, leaving you scratching your head.

Well, welcome to the club, my friend. As a creative business owner, I know all too well the struggles of navigating the ever-changing world of online marketing. It can feel like we're constantly chasing some elusive algorithm, always one step behind the competition.

And when it comes to SEO, it's like trying to solve a Rubik's cube blindfolded. It's no wonder so many of us feel overwhelmed and hopeless.

But it's not just about understanding the technical side of things. Even if you master the art of keyword research and optimization, attracting organic traffic to your website is still a huge challenge. With millions of websites out there vying for attention, it can feel like trying to get noticed in a crowded room.

And even if you do manage to get some traffic, it's still a struggle to convert those visitors into leads and sales.

And let's not forget about the importance of backlinks. For many of us, the thought of reaching out to strangers and begging for links is enough to make us break out in hives.

And even if we do manage to get some links, how do we know they're high-quality and won't actually hurt our rankings? It can feel like a never-ending cycle of frustration and disappointment.
Introducing HARO Backlinks Hacks
What's Included:

Nearly hour-long masterclass on using HARO to get high-quality backlinks with insider tips (Valued at $47)

Helpful HARO pitch templates with examples (Valued at $17)

BONUS: Pitch tracking spreadsheet (Valued at $17)

BONUS: The Ultimate Guide to SEO-Friendly URLs video training (Valued at $27)

BONUS: The Content Idea Generator (Valued at $15)

BONUS: HARO Pitch Tracker Trello Board (Valued at $27)

Join the HARO Backlink Hacks Masterclass Today for Only $150 $9
Hey! I'm Heather!

"Hey there! My name is Heather, and I am a Certified Content Marketing Strategist and SEO aficionado. I know that getting backlinks to your website is one of the most important things you can do to improve your search engine rankings. But I also know how intimidating outreach can be for many bloggers and content creators. That's why I created HARO Backlink Hacks: Insider Tips for Getting Backlinks With HARO. 
When I was first starting out in the world of SEO, I did not want to do outreach to get backlinks. It was too time-consuming, and I really didn't like cold emailing people.
I started using HARO to get backlinks for my own website. I liked it much better, and since backlinks are critical for your SEO success, I wanted to create a resource to help other online business owners get backlinks without spending countless hours emailing other website owners.
But I know that HARO can take some getting used to. So, I put together HARO Backlink Hacks. This product is packed full of insider tips on how to use HARO effectively to get high-quality backlinks. 
So if you're struggling with outreach and want an easier way to get backlinks, give HARO Backlink Hacks a try. I promise you won't be disappointed. Let's get those backlinks!"

  • When do I get access?
    Immediately! As soon as you pay, you'll receive an email from Thrivecart with your login details.
  • Do I need any expensive software?
    Nope! I’ll let you know the tools I use in the training, but you can do everything with free tools and the ones I provide you with the training.
  • How long will it take to get backlinks?
    The training itself is around 60 minutes, so that is the bulk of the course. Signing up for HARO and setting up your pitch template and spreadsheet will take less than 30 minutes.

    But building backlinks is going to be an ongoing part of optimizing your website and content for SEO. Don't stress about it; you can check the HARO requests as often or as little as you like.
  • With all the free information out there, why should I invest in a course on how to use HARO.
    The significant benefit of buying courses is that they help speed up the process by teaching you how to avoid mistakes. Plus, it would take a long time to piece everything together from free information. I’ve saved you the trouble and put it in a neat little package with a bow.

    The best thing about this course is you get inside tips from me to help you set yourself up for success with HARO.
  • I've got another question.
    Great! Shoot me an email at heather@writerslifeforyou.com, and I will be happy to answer any questions you have.
  • What if I'm just starting out?
    If you're just starting with SEO and/or your blog or website, that's even better because I waited too long to start SEO and even longer to work on backlinks. So, you'll be starting off the right way with this course.
What students of my courses are saying...

"You need the Niche Ninja Course! Everyone talks about "You need to niche down" or "choose a profitable niche," and Heather makes it easy to understand HOW to go about doing both of these. Her workbook walks you through the process of how to dig a bit deeper and get to the core of choosing a niche you'll want to spend time writing about and working with."
Kelli Shipp
“I always seem to be planning my content on the fly and decide to do "whatever," so this seemed like a well-thought-out system (and not just winging it).

The biggest light bulb went off when you talked about planning content around things that I'm selling or promoting that month. Then it seemed obvious what content I needed to create; I just had to fill in the blanks with topics already in my "vault" of content ideas. I can finally batch!!

I would absolutely recommend this training to anyone who struggles to know "what to talk about" in any given month or week and wants to plan things ahead."
Anna Crosby
Geni Collective
"Thank you so much for the training on creating a year's worth of content in two days. The Trello board is AMAZING!! I've been using a spreadsheet in Google, but this is SO much better! I have filled in my content plan for next year, and it's shown me where I need to do a little extra brainstorming and where I'm ready to get started preparing content. It's wonderful! 
Content Planning 101 student

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By purchasing HARO Backlink Hacks, you understand that you'll be signing up for the WLFY newsletter, including course support and updates, as well as our terms and conditions. You can unsubscribe at any time. https://writerslifeforyou.com/terms-and-conditions/
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⇨ Want to learn how to write SEO-optimized blog content to get off page 17 of Google?⇦

The SEO Content Writing Course Only $67 $27 (60% Off) On This Page Only
SEO is here to stay, and it is the best long-term traffic solution for any online business. This course teaches you how to write and structure your content for SEO so that you can rank higher on Google. It comes with a blog post with a content planning template, a pdf of SEO terms, masterclass, training videos, and more.

I charge $67 normally, but this special price is only available on this page!

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  • Total payment
  • 1xHARO Backlink Hacks: Insider Tips for Getting Backlinks With HARO$9

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