The ContentPreneur Vault

The all-access pass to my courses and bundles for entrepreneurs who want to master all aspects of their content creation and boost sales without endless planning and execution.

Wouldn't it be amazing if you could just...

Sell more of your offers with content marketing easily

Create compelling and engaging content effortlessly

Become a more efficient content creator with smart strategies that cut your content creation time in half


But I get that it may feel that way for you.

As a freelance writer, blogger, and online biz owner, I used to spend endless hours on content creation. Honestly, it felt like everyone else was working smarter, while I just seemed to be working harder, stuck at my desk while they had fun.

Over 7+ years of creating content for myself and others, I learned the secrets to getting more efficient as a content creator, how to craft compelling content that converts fans into buyers, and how the magic of authenticity helps you attract your true fans.

And that’s exactly what you'll learn in my all-access pass to almost everything I offer (the best content creation resource for online business owners who want to create more content without the stress and overwhelm of managing it all).

I'll show you how content creation can be

More fun


And lighter.

It all comes down to working smarter, not harder. 

This is EXACTLY what The ContentPreneur Vault can help you do, and here's how...

Here's What's Included in The ContentPreneur Vault...

This toolkit can help you streamline the whole process and use time-saving techniques that can help you get more done in less time.

The Efficient Content Creator's Toolkit

Tap into my 7+ years of content creation experience and get more efficient faster with this toolkit. With this all-in-one solution for boosting productivity, you'll be able to...

 Batch your content creation (and get it done fast)

Streamline your work processes (and never wonder, "How did I do that?" again)

Learn a step-by-step system for organizing your digital workspace so you're not wasting time looking for that document you just downloaded the other day

Increase efficiency and stay consistent by learning to create customizable checklists and workflows.


Your members can become your top source for NEW members, learn how to setup a simple affiliate program to grow your membership reach!

Learn how to remix and reuse the content you already have to create content twice as fast.

The Content Repurposing Formula

Create fresh content with less effort using my tried and true content repurposing formula. With this formula, you'll be able to...

Get more efficient and be more impactful with your content creation (even if you're distributing it across multiple channels)

Create high-quality that resonates with your audience and reduce your stress with planned out content (no more last minute, late night content that kind of sucks)

Start repurposing today with step-by-step guidance 

Turn raving fans into buyers with a deeper understanding of your audience


Your members can become your top source for NEW members, learn how to setup a simple affiliate program to grow your membership reach!

Master your social media to beat overwhelm and create high-quality, money-making content (without spending hours scrolling on social media for inspiration). 

Engage to Convert Social Media Content Bundle

Get more traffic, conversions, and engagement with the Engage to Convert Social Media Content Calendar. With this bundle you'll be able to...

Make more sales and attract more clients and customers  with the Bio Makeover Magic guide.

 Create interesting and powerful posts using the art of storytelling.

Streamline your content creation and avoid burnout  

Gain the competitive edge and master marketing analysis with the training Competitor Research 101.

Ignite click-through conversions from social media to your website with the training Converting Social Media Fans Into Website visitors and buyers.


Your members can become your top source for NEW members, learn how to setup a simple affiliate program to grow your membership reach!

Unleash the power of profitable email marketing campaigns to harness this powerful tool to grow your online presence and increase profits.

The Email Marketing Content Bundle

Get more email engagement and clickable conversions with The Email Marketing Content Bundle. You'll be able to...

Write captivation subject lines and preheaders

 Turn subscribers into repeat buyers

Learn how to create persuasive CTAs that drive user actions and make your email marketing more impactful. 

Save time and increase efficiency with your email marketing by mastering automated workflows

Improve your email deliverability and engagement by cleaning your email list 


Your members can become your top source for NEW members, learn how to setup a simple affiliate program to grow your membership reach!

Becoming more visible in search results is the long-term solution to getting more eyes on your offers and making more money.

The Ultimate SEO Bundle for Content Creators

Increase your SEO knowledge and become more visible in search engines.

Get expert guidance on how to SEO-optimize your blog posts you'll be able to boost your content's discoverability.

Strategically organize your website topics for better content 

Detailed blog post checklist and workflow so you know exactly what you need to do before and after you publish a post and where to put your keywords

Get high-quality backlinks from HARO to avoid time-consuming blogger outreach 

Create a winning content strategy that resonates with your audience 


Your members can become your top source for NEW members, learn how to setup a simple affiliate program to grow your membership reach!

Learn the strategies you need to reclaim your confidence and bust imposter syndrome once and for all.

The Imposter Syndrome Antidote

Transform your self-esteem and showcase yourself as an authority in your niche.

Explore the signs, symptoms, and triggers of imposter syndrome to identify the early warning signs and empower you to break the cycle of negative emotions.

Overcome imposter syndrome with practical strategies that help you embrace what makes you unique to embrace necessary risks for business growth and increased revenue.

Get actionable insights to showcase your expertise and overcome self-doubt. 


Your members can become your top source for NEW members, learn how to setup a simple affiliate program to grow your membership reach!

Learn how to write SEO-optimized blog posts; even if you feel like you suck at SEO, you can write blog posts that rank high in Google because if I can do it, anyone can.

The SEO Content Writing Course

Take your content creation to the next level with the course that helps you do keyword research the right way and create compelling content that ranks higher in Google.

Use my content writing method to boost your SEO and learn the essentials of writing blog posts that rank.

Discover the formula for finding keywords  you can actually rank for 

Learn the secrets behind Google's ranking factors and the user intent and types of keywords you must know to write SEO-optimized content.

Discover how to structure and optimize your posts to rank higher on Google ( so you can get off page 17 once and for all).

Get the fillable content planning template as a bonus to help you easily plan your blog articles.


Your members can become your top source for NEW members, learn how to setup a simple affiliate program to grow your membership reach!

The Content Planning Trello Board Bundle provides resources on how to create a flexible content plan that works with your brain and business without feeling like you spend every waking moment on content creation

The Content Planning Trello Board Bundle

Create a personalized content plan with ease while streamlining the process and elevate your strategy.

Use the Content Planning Trello Board to transform your ideas into topics you can schedule and create content with less overwhelm.

Use The Content Idea Generator to generate endless content ideas from online and the world around you.  

Use The Content Strategy Roadmap to create content your audience loves and sells more of your products and services. 

Discover 50+ ways to promote your content with the Content Promotion Checklist (some you probably never thought of).


Your members can become your top source for NEW members, learn how to setup a simple affiliate program to grow your membership reach!

LinkedIn is the #1 social media platform for professionals, and it's not just for people with corporate jobs. It's a goldmine for finding clients who can afford to pay you what you're worth. Learn the ins and outs of content marketing on this unique platform.

LinkedIn Content Marketing Magic

Master LinkedIn and unlock the platform's unique potential to elevate your brand, optimize your profile to attract clients, and strategically navigate the world of marketing on LinkedIn. 

Learn the basics of LinkedIn with step-by-step instructions on setting up your account and a foundational understanding of how it works.

Get LinkedIn Premium insights (for free) to see how it can enhance your marketing with features that can boost your visibility and networking capabilities.

Optimize your LinkedIn profile to transform it into a powerful marketing tool to attract clients effortlessly.

Get actionable tips for effective LinkedIn marketing so that you understand what works and doesn't to amplify all your marketing efforts.

Swipe templates for effective networking, including... 

               - Cold pitching

               -  Making connections            

               - Letters of introduction     


Your members can become your top source for NEW members, learn how to setup a simple affiliate program to grow your membership reach!

But that's not all; you'll also get these other resources:

Time Management and Productivity Hacks for Solopreneurs

HARO Backlink Hacks

The Niche Ninja Mini-Course

The KeySearch Keyword Research Masterclass

The Ultimate Quick-Start Toolkit for Freelance Writers

The Ultimate Guide to Freelance Writing

Freelance Writing for Beginners: The Basics

(Future Bundle) Traffic Surge Accelerator Bundle

(Future Bundle) Content Conversion Accelerator Bundle

More future bundles and courses

*Note: Exclusions include Content Planning 101, Freelance Blogging Formula for Success, The Inspired Content Creators' Collective, and all of my services.

The ContentPreneur Vault is Perfect for You if:

You know content creation is essential for marketing your services and products, but you feel overwhelmed with the demands of creating fresh content. 

You feel like all you do is create content but see minimal results. 

You struggle with all the demands of starting and growing a successful online business that actually helps pay the bills. 

 You constantly compare yourself to other content creators and find yourself lacking. 

You want to find a more efficient way to create content and run your business so you can spend more time with family and friends but aren’t sure how to. 

You want to increase your visibility and write blog posts that rank higher, but SEO is a little intimidating, and Google and other search engines seem impossible to please.

For a one-time payment of $999 or 12-payments of $99

I bought Content Planning 101 when it originally launched as a Paid Live Training, so the price was an instant yes, and since I've been in your world for over a year and a half, you're my go-to for all things content creation.

Every product I have of yours has practically been a version of you guiding me every single step of the way through something, and I knew Content Planning 101 would be incredible like your other products. One thing that I was massively intrigued about, which I'd never heard of before, was the method you use yourself for content planning.

I was really overwhelmed and stressed about content planning because it's been so long since I've written a blog post that I lost confidence, and planning isn't my strongest point. But I know I needed to get my arse into gear and start again, but this time with planning and a strategy in place.

Now, I feel relieved and like a huge weight has been lifted off my shoulders because the entire process of content planning is laid out in a way that's really easy to understand and take action with.

My biggest takeaway was the strategy you go into detail about; it is GENIUS!

Ami Hook-Ireland
Digitally Made for You
What would it be worth...

If you're reading this page, there's a good chance you want to go from being overwhelmed and scattered with your content to becoming a strategic, empowered content creator who makes more money with your content...

When you join, you get the fast track to content monetization and efficiency success thanks to my 7+ years of experience.

So let me ask - what would it be worth to...

Transform overwhelmed into a masterful, streamlined content creation process.

Elevate your social media profile and attract clients and customers effortlessly.

Become a master at SEO optimization by learning strategies and skills to boost your online visibility.

Transform your approach to content creation from planning on the fly to a strategic, flexible content plan that allows you to create content weeks in advance.

Overcome imposter syndrome and boost your confidence as you embrace authenticity and gain new skills. 

Learn advanced ways to monetize your content and go from creating content just for the sake of it to strategically making money with your content.

And so much more!

If the answer is an emphatic 'YES' to using content creation as a revenue generator, mastering SEO, and boosting client attraction (so you never have to worry about finding clients again).

"I bought your course LinkedIn Marketing Magic when I purchased the Writer's Toolkit Bundle from Ultimate Bundles. I am not actually a content writer; I'm a proofreader, but your course translated well to my career needs.

"Your course has proven invaluable to me. I had no idea how to approach this platform, and now I feel confident. confident as an introvert who hates putting herself out there can be anyway! I started sending out personalized connection requests to strangers last month. I am happy to say about half to two-thirds of them have accepted to date.

What has me really staggered is that in approximately the last ten days I have been receiving connection requests on a regular basis! Including from writers, the very people I set out to reach. (Although I admit I have been surprised that only one or two have bothered to send messages with their request. That in itself shows me how valuable it is to personalize connection requests.)

I see it's clearly time to start doing some cold-pitching. I have you to thank for that. I just have to work up the nerve to try this next new step...."

LinkedIn Marketing Magic Student

"I absolutely love the Standard Content Planning Outline! All your blog writing tools seem to help me organize my content writing. Thank you for sharing." ~ Kim

"I watched your workshop a couple of days ago and started using the Trello board to plan my Q1. It’s feeling great to have a plan!" ~ Katie S.


Access to the Exclusive Members-Only Resource Library

Get on the fast track to success with my special templates, guides, worksheets, and more designed to simplify and streamline your content creation process and help you build a successful online business. 

Get access to various resources that cater to different aspects of content creation so you have the right tool for every task.

Discover an ever-growing selection of content creation and online business resources to help you continually gain new skills and expand your knowledge.

Get ready-to-use templates that save you time and effort to streamline your content creation process and make your life easier.

I want to set you up for success, so I provided interactive workbooks so you can easily implement and apply what you learn to your own business. (Valued at $199)

The Content Systemizer Email Challenge
Get the exclusive email challenge tailored to help you systemize your content creation, where you'll seamlessly integrate powerful content creation practices to save time and boost productivity. It's brand new and will be finished on January 22nd!

Get a daily email for 7 days that takes you on a guided tour to help you systemize your content creation processes - even your whole business.

Simplify your content creation with structured tasks for a practical, hands-on learning experience with actionable tips.

Get bonus tips and insights for sustained efficiency and consistency long after the challenge ends.

Receive expert guidance from someone who has been in your shoes and discovered powerful ways to become a more efficient content creator. (Valued at $47)

Client-Student Only Facebook Group
Here's a special bonus where you can get extra support: I'm opening a student-client-only Facebook Group in February. It's the perfect place to connect with like-minded content creators, get personalized help, and elevate your content creation journey.

Ask questions, seek advice, and get direct support from me, your content creation expert and Certified Content Marketing Strategist.

Connect with other content creators to share insights, build lasting relationships, network, and collaborate. You can even celebrate wins together.

Get live Q&A sessions for guidance and help in real time. 

Get early access and sneak peeks at upcoming releases, courses, and other exclusive offers.

Get Voxer office hours as part of your support to get things done, ask the essential questions to help move the needle in your, or any other help with running an online business or content creation. This is ONLY FOR CONTENTPRENEUR VAULT MEMBERS. (Valued at $200)

I always seem to be planning my content on the fly and decide to do "whatever," so this seemed like a well-thought-out system (and not just winging it).

The biggest light bulb went off when you talked about planning content around things that I'm selling or promoting that month. Then it seemed obvious what content I needed to create; then, I just had to fill in the blanks with topics that were already in my "vault" of content ideas. I can finally batch!!

I've planned out my whole quarter, and if I wanted to, I could plan out the whole year!!

I would absolutely recommend this training to anyone who struggles to know "what to talk about" in any given month or week and wants to plan things ahead.

Anna Crosby
Geni Collective
Have other questions?
Questions smart content creators ask - Let's see if The ContentPreneur Vault is for you.
  • What's included in The ContentPreneur Vault?
    You get access to most of my current courses and bundles and most of the ones I'll create in 2024. Here's a brief rundown of what you'll receive:

    - The Content Repurposing Formula
    - The Niche Ninja Mini-Course
    - The Efficient Content Creator's Toolkit
    - Engage to Convert Social Media Content Bundle
    - The Email Marketing Bundle
    - HARO Backlink Hacks
    - The Imposter Syndrome Antidote
    - The Ultimate SEO Bundle for Content Creators
    - The SEO Content Writing Course
    - The Content Planning Trello Board Bundle
    - LinkedIn Content Marketing Magic
    - Time Management and Productivity Hacks for Solopreneurs
    - The KeySearch Keyword Research Masterclass
    - The Ultimate Quick-Start Toolkit for Freelance Writers
    - The Ultimate Guide to Ghostwriting
    - Freelance Writing for Beginners: The Basics
    - (Future Bundle) The Thriving SEO Traffic Bundle
    - (Future Bundle) Content Conversion Accelerator Bundle

    *Exclusions include all of my services, Content Planning 101, and Freelance Blogging for Success.
  • How does The ContentPreneur Vault help content creators and solopreneurs?
    The vault is your all-access pass to streamline your content creation, boost your SEO, and improve your marketing strategies to save time and effort.
  • What is the total value of The ContentPreneur Vault?
    Without all the future courses and bundles I create in 2024, the total value is $1752. With the bonuses, it's worth $2,098, so at just $999, it's over 50% off.
  • Can The ContentPreneur Vault help me maintain consistency in publishing content?
    The resources in the vault can help you maintain consistency with practical tools to streamline your content creation process. You'll have templates, checklists, guides, trainings, and courses at your fingertips to eliminate the guesswork and help you stay on schedule.

    The resources will give you a clear plan to strategically align your content with your business goals, provide tips to save time and create content that resonates with your audience. By systemizing your business, you'll be able to get more done in less time, making The ContentPreneur vault an invaluable asset for content creators who want to make more money and have a bigger impact.
  • I have more questions? Where can I ask them?
    That's fine! I'd love to help you determine if The ContentPreneur Vault is for you. Simply send any questions to
  • How Much Time Do I Need To Commit?
    I suggest you add time to your weekly schedule for learning since you have many resources. To be less overwhelming, you can focus on the resources to help you meet your current goals and what you're working on next.

    Being an online business owner means you always have new things to learn, so regularly creating time for personal development is key. Most everything you can work at your own pace whether that's fast or slow. The resources will be there when you need them.
  • When is the next time I can join The ContentPreneur Vault?
    Full transparency - I'm honestly unsure when I will open it back up. It could be quarterly, or it may be annually. I may decide never to do it again.
  • What if I'm brand new - is this right for me?
    The courses and bundles were designed to be helpful to content creators of all experience levels. If you're just beginning, you have all the resources you need to start and grow a successful online business, become more efficient, and make money with your content.

    If you've been creating content and running your biz for a while, there are great advanced strategies and tips to help you refine your business processes and improve the content you create.
  • How does the all access pass work?
    Once you purchase, you'll receive an email from Thrivecart with directions on accessing The ContentPreneur Vault in Thrivecart Learn+. A course will be set up for The ContentPreneur Vault itself to tell you how to access the bonuses and other resources. Thrivecart will grant you access to all the courses in the vault, so they should show up under your student login.
  • Is there a refund policy?
    Yes, I offer a 14-day money-back refund policy, but you must articulate what you have tried and done because my ultimate goal is to help you change the way you create content and run your business. I would love to make your life easier. But I get that this is a higher-priced bundle because of all the amazing resources it includes.
  • Is there a limit to the courses and bundles I can access?
    Absolutely not; you have lifetime access as long as they exist, including future updates. You can access them whenever you want to.

Contact information

Billing address

By purchasing The ContentPreneur Vault, you understand that you'll be signing up to the WLFY newsletter, including course support and updates, as well as our terms and conditions. You can unsubscribe at any time.

See the full terms and conditions here:
I agree

Choose a pricing option

  • Preferred option
    One-time payment ($999.00)$999.00
  • Preferred option
    Subscription ($99.00/mnth)12x $99.00

Master your messaging with The Authentic Audience Messaging Bundle.

Special one-time offer, only $9!
Struggling to connect authentically with your audience? I've curated top resources to help you understand them better, creating content that genuinely resonates and boosts your sales.

This bundle empowers you to craft attention-grabbing content that builds genuine connections, leading to increased sales and conversions.

Payment information

You will not be charged for this purchase, but if you choose to make an optional purchase later, this card info will be used to complete that transaction!

Completing payment with PayPal


The ContentPreneur Vault$0

Included in your membership

The Content Repurposing Formula

The Niche Ninja Mini-Course

The Efficient Content Creator's Toolkit

Engage to Convert Social Media Content Bundle

The Email Marketing Bundle

HARO Backlink Hacks

The Imposter Syndrome Antidote

The Ultimate SEO Bundle for Content Creators

The SEO Content Writing Course

The Content Planning Trello Board Bundle

LinkedIn Content Marketing Magic

Time Management and Productivity Hacks for Solopreneurs

The KeySearch Keyword Research Masterclass

The Ultimate Quick-Start Toolkit for Freelance Writers

The Ultimate Guide to Ghostwriting

Freelance Writing for Beginners: The Basics

(Future Bundle) The Thriving SEO Traffic Bundle

(Future Bundle) Content Conversion Accelerator Bundle

Most of my other future courses and bundle in 2024

(Bonus) Access to the Exclusive Members-Only Resource Library

(Bonus) The Content Systemizer Email Challenge

  • Total payment
  • 1xThe ContentPreneur Vault$0

All prices in USD
