Learn How to Create Your Content Plan for the Year in Two Days or Less

Make more money with every piece of content you create.

What if you could unlock a year’s worth of content in just two days? Imagine reclaiming time to perfect your message and deepen connections with your audience—turning the relentless content grind into a distant memory.

This freedom to focus on what truly matters, to engage and resonate on a deeper level, isn’t a far-off dream. It’s within your grasp, ready to transform your approach to content creation and audience engagement into a powerful reality.

This is where everything changes. Enter Content Planning 101, a course uniquely designed for female content creators and solopreneurs.

It's not about simply pushing your content to the next level in the traditional sense.

It’s about reimagining what that level looks like—crafting a content strategy that amplifies your voice, elevates your brand, and connects with your audience in profoundly impactful ways.


Content Planning 101 redefines your daily life, giving you the freedom to:

Embrace Creativity: Start your day immersed in creativity—not content worries. Read, sketch, or enjoy quiet moments, fueling your soul for what lies ahead.

Deepen Relationships: Replace content stress with quality time. Whether it's a coffee date with a friend or precious moments with family, your content is already connecting, giving you space to nurture these vital bonds.

Grow Your Business on Your Terms: With a clear content strategy, focus on what truly grows your business. Explore new opportunities, knowing your content is doing its job.

Savor Life's Joys: End your day with what brings you happiness, unburdened by the demands of creating a lot of content on the fly. Get more time to spend at your kids' events, enjoy family dinners, or celebrate milestones fully present.

See  what students are saying about Content Planning 101 and other content creation workshops and courses:

"I always seem to be planning my content on the fly and decide to do "whatever," so this seemed like a well-thought-out system (and not just winging it).

The biggest light bulb went off when you talked about planning content around things that I'm selling or promoting that month. Then it seemed obvious what content I needed to create; then, I just had to fill in the blanks with topics that were already in my "vault" of content ideas. I can finally batch!!

I've planned out my whole quarter, and if I wanted to, I could plan out the whole year!!

I would absolutely recommend this training to anyone who struggles to know "what to talk about" in any given month or week and wants to plan things ahead."

Anna Crosby
Geni Collective
Do you constantly struggle with...

writing blog posts, social media posts, and emails to your list at the last minute because of time constraints like:

Taking the gets to endless afterschool activities.

Make sure dinner is on the table, and OMG, did you forget to pack their lunch? Did they get breakfast? 

Endless client work

Next week's blog post and oopsy the last two weeks too!

You may feel like you're playing a never-ending game of content catchup. It's like being on a weirdo game show where the prize is always just ONE more blog post out of reach.

Even as an expert content creator with tons of experience under my belt, I always felt like I was in the weeds and playing catch up with my content creation process.

Part of my problem was getting organized and productive; to make matters worse, I felt guilty for not doing enough to achieve my goals. 

I felt like I was stuck and overwhelmed, which was not helpful at all. Bullying myself didn't work; it just made me feel worse. And it felt like ALL I did was create content.

As a freelance writer and blogger, I felt like I was ALWAYS creating content. And I always felt rushed, especially with social media and email content, knowing I wasn’t giving it the attention it needed.

If you've ever stared at your computer screen, thinking it was mocking you with its blankness, you're not alone. 

We've all been there wondering if there's a secret content club we weren't invited to. Spoiler alert: there isn't, but Content Planning 101 is your all-access pass!

You may feel like a juggler now struggling to keep dozens of balls in the air - each representing a piece of overdue content—to a maestro conducting a symphony, where every note of content plays out in perfect harmony and timing. 

You don't need to worry anymore because your problem is almost solved!

Content Planning 101 Will Help You...
Make Creating Content Easier and Faster

Easily craft blog posts, write emails to your list, and create social media content finally get ahead even if you're a solopreneur.

Get More Out of Each Piece of Content 

Learn how to add a content repurposing workflow to your content plan to get more mileage out of each piece of content you create.

 Create a Plan That Works for You

Craft a content plan tailored to your unique thinking style and schedule—finally, a strategy you'll love to follow. (The problem isn't you; there is no one-size-fits-all plan.)

Meet the Creator
Heather Ritchie

 I’m Heather Ritchie, a Certified Content Marketing Strategist, and SEO content writer. I've been writing SEO-optimized content for my own blog and clients for years now.

I use this exact content planning process to easily plan a year’s worth of content in one day. Now, I’ve packaged up everything I know about content planning in this in-depth training so you can be more efficient with your content planning.

This process helped me go from being stressed out and overwhelmed like a new mother of sextuplets to getting content created WAY ahead of time.

Writer's Life for You Has been Featured In World-Class Publications, like

A Semrush survey showed that 97% of respondents claimed content marketing was essential to their marketing strategy.

 Content marketing (creating and sharing blog posts, social media posts, etc.) answers your audience’s questions and positions you as their go-to expert.

 It also helps you build trust, generate more leads and sales, and improves your overall conversions.

 No more waiting until the last moment and hurrying through those social media posts for your launch, meaning you don’t put time into your messaging, aka you’re leaving money on the table.

 A content calendar provides an overall view that helps you brainstorm topics better, maintain consistency, and ensure you don’t duplicate content.

 When done right, content marketing helps you show up in front of your audience when they need solutions you can provide.

What some of my students say about all my courses and digital products:

I bought Content Planning 101 when it originally launched as a Paid Live Training, so the price was an instant yes, and since I've been in your world for over a year and a half, you're my go-to for all things content creation.

Every product I have of yours has practically been a version of you guiding me every single step of the way through something, and I knew Content Planning 101 would be incredible like your other products. One thing that I was massively intrigued about, which I'd never heard of before, was the method you use yourself for content planning.

I was really overwhelmed and stressed about content planning because it's been so long since I've written a blog post that I lost confidence, and planning isn't my strongest point. But I know I needed to get my arse into gear and start again, but this time with planning and a strategy in place.

Now, I feel relieved and like a huge weight has been lifted off my shoulders because the entire process of content planning is laid out in a way that's really easy to understand and take action with.

My biggest takeaway was the strategy you go into detail about; it is GENIUS!

Ami Hook-Ireland 
Digitally Made for You
"Thank you, Heather, you're the best!"

Everyone always talks about Niche down, and No one explains how to do it. After taking this course, I was able to pick a profitable niche and feel confident in my choice. This course gave me tools I will be able to use throughout my business. Thank you, Heather, you are the best!!

~Tiffanie Mayo

"You need the Niche Ninja Mini-Course!"

Everyone talks about "You need to niche down" or "choose a profitable niche," and Heather makes it easy to understand HOW to go about doing both of these. Her workbook walks you through the process of how to dig a bit deeper and get to the core of choosing a niche you'll want to spend time writing about and working with.

~ Kelli Shipp

Does this sound just like the thing you needed to organize your content and make more money in your business? Then sign up for Content Planning 101 today!

No more struggling to come up with ideas or spending all your time on content creation - with Content Planning 101, you'll have a streamlined, flexible content plan that makes content creation less overwhelming and more enjoyable.

Planning your content in advance isn't just a time-saver; it's the key to developing messages that truly resonate. This strategy frees you from the pressure of last-minute content, allowing you to thoughtfully engage and connect with your ideal audience.

Imagine never dreading content creation again...

Never worry about feeling like the content monster is always chasing you because, with a tailored content calendar, you'll be steps ahead, creating at your own pace, free from the stress of constant catch-up.

You can finally get off the content creation hamster wheel with a plan that gets better results for less work.

No more struggling to come up with ideas or feeling like you're spending all your time on content creation because you'll have a streamlined, effective plan that ensures a steady flow of inspiration and optimizes your content production process.

Never worry about creating content that goes unnoticed, or nobody engages with. You'll have a forward-thinking plan to craft compelling content that captivates and interacts with your audience, ensuring your efforts always hit the mark.

No more worrying about missing critical pieces of the content puzzle because the Content Planning 101 framework guides you.

Wave goodbye to the days of pulling your hair out trying to think of what to post on Instagram. With Content Planning 101, you'll be whipping up content ideas like a master chef in a five-star kitchen—creative, abundant, and utterly delicious to your audience.

Content Planning 101 is perfect for you if...

 You feel like there’s never enough time to research and create your content, much less create an editorial calendar.

 You struggle to connect with your audience and suspect it could be the lack of time to make a meaningful connection with them through your content.

You want a super quick and easy, flexible process to create an editorial calendar (even if you may not follow it to the T).

 You want a painless way always to know the content you need to plan for the month (even if you’re not a planner).

 You struggle with coming up with content ideas because you feel like you’re always on the content creation hamster wheel.

 You just need someone to throw you a damn rope to save you from the “content” quicksand you’re sinking in (i.e., please, make content creation easier, so I don’t feel like I’m smothering!!)

Content Planning 101 is not for you if...

 If you don’t believe content creation is essential to growing your brand and making money.

 You’re not interested in planning in advance because you never make plans (it’s hard for me to STICK to plans, and this process works even for me).

You're looking for a done-for-you content plan that is a quick fix (although that may be coming in the future!)

What some of my writing clients say:

"Heather is an amazing writer and such a tremendous resource for my blog. Her knowledge and acumen of SEO, keyword research, and blog writing have been an invaluable addition to helping me grow. Heather's contributions are always complete, fully researched, delivered on time, and above and beyond.

 In fact, often, Heather adds more to the post than the original outline, having found added value through her thorough research. You can count on the highest quality with Heather. And best of all, Heather clearly cares about the success of the posts she has written for me, and many of these posts rank on the first page of Google. She focuses on quality, and it shines through in every aspect of her work."

And Keri recently sent me this update for a post that had slipped down in Google ranking: "I just had to tell you what a fantastic job you do! You took my Harry Potter at Universal article that was hovering around 100 on Google, and yesterday it was at 9. Thank you so much for all you do!! And that's not the first time one of your updates significantly improved a ranking."

Keri Bartok
Bon Voyage With Kids (

Heather is an absolute pleasure to work with - she is always prompt and professional in everything she does! I've been using her freelance writing and editing services for several months now. She's a great communicator and very creative. The fact that she has written on a wide range of topics and understands the significance of SEO writing makes my job much easier. Every month, I can count on Heather to complete the work on time and to a high standard. She's the best freelance writer I've ever worked with, and I wholeheartedly recommend her!

Amira Irfan
Lawyer and 7-Figure Blogger @
Are you the kind of person who...

Instinctively put the needs of others above your own and aren't afraid of hard work

Have felt that there is more to success than money and fame

Takes incredible, imperfect action towards your goal to beat procrastination

Has tried other solutions and didn't get the results you wanted

Desires a life of impact and  freedom, doing something you love

Believes in yourself and wants to get better results

If you've said "YES" To any of , then you are exactly who we love to help Content Planning 101.

It's time to say "YES" and join!
What's Inside Content Planning 101?

Content Planning 101 is a course for female content creators and solopreneurs looking to learn how to create a year's worth of content in just two days. Heather Ritchie's simple content planning process will free up your time and help you craft a message that resonates with your audience.

Simplify your content creation process, take your content marketing to the next level, and make more money in your business with Content Planning 101.

Step 1
Getting Started + Training

Getting started in the course, a little bit about why you should listen to me, and the original recording of the live training.

Plus, you'll let me know where you are at the beginning of the course.

Step 4
Getting to Know Your Audience

Learn more about the importance of understanding your audience and the buyer's journey.

It's essential for your content marketing to work and to connect with your audience.

Step 7
Using AI for Content Planning

This module houses all the great bonuses for the course that will help you level up your content creation and planning.

Step 2
Content Planning Foundations

Here you'll learn why it's important to maximize your productivity and why having a content plan is essential.

You'll also learn the main parts of the PACCMAN content planning framework.

Step 5
Creating Your Content Strategy

In this module, you'll learn why creating a content marketing strategy is vital to your success as well as the various parts that go into a content strategy.

Spoiler alert, you need a strategy.

Step 8

You may be wonder, "Now what?" Once you finish the course. This module wraps everything up and tells you what is next.

Step 3
Creating Processes, Systems, and Workflows

Learn why systemizing your business is so important and exactly what each piece is.

You'll also learn about automating and why it is your friend.

Step 6
Creating Your Content Plan

This modules walks you step-by-step through the process of creating flexible a content plan that works for you.

Plus, you'll learn the secret to get more out of all the content you create.

Step 9
What's Next?

You may be wonder, "Now what?" Once you finish the course. This module wraps everything up and tells you what is next.

Module #1

Here's where your content planning journey starts.

Learn who I am and why you can trust me to help you on your content creation adventure.

Establish where you are before you dive into the course.

Your welcome to the course + the recording of the original live training video that takes you through the entire process that the rest of the course walks you through step-by-step.

Module #2

This module focuses on the why behind getting more productive and planning your content. And it introduces the framework.

Why you need to be more productive as a solopreneur or small business owner.

Why you need to plan your content (spoiler alert: it makes your entrepreneur life so much easier.)

The PACCMAN Framework

Module #3

You'll learn all about systemizing and automating your biz here with some helpful tips to get you started since this is an essential part of getting more productive and planning. 

Learn what exactly workflows, processes, and systems are (the definitions may surprise you, but you'll see examples here too).

We'll put it all together with smart tips for automating your processes, workflows, and systems.

Module #4

This is one of the most critical parts of creating a content plan that allows you to truly connect with your audience.

Why you need to get to know your audience (it has everything to do with making more money in your business.

Actionable tips and worksheets on getting to know your audience and how you can reach them.

Module #5

This is a meaty module with all the aspects you need to consider when developing and implementing a content strategy.

What you need to get started with your strategy.

The various types of research that go into your strategy.

How to set goals for your content, thoughts on how often you should post, deciding on content themes, and more.

Module #6

This is the module you've been waiting for. The rest of the course has set you up to create your action plan.

What you need to consider when creating your content plan.

What your plan starts with to map out your content each month or quarter.

Finding the best topics that sell your offers

Content repurposing and how using it allows you to spend less time creating content day in and day out.

Module #7

Now for all the fun bonuses. The module has some great resources to help you plan and write your content.

The Content Planning Template

The Content Planning Trello Board (a template made from the board I use to plan my content overall)

A look over my shoulder as I plan for the new year

The KeySearch Keyword Masterclass

A simple content planning spreadsheet

But wait, there's more!
Checkout these other great bonuses.
Order today and you'll also get these bonuses:

Content Planning Spreadsheet (Valued at $19)

KeySearch Keyword Research Masterclass Valued at $47)

Creating Content That Converts (Valued at $97) Coming May 15, 2024

Quarterly Content Planning Trello Board (Valued at $27)

Monthly Content Planning Trello Board (Valued at $27)

A PDF of questions to ask yourself when planning your content strategy (Valued at $10)

Content Planning Template (Valued at $19)

Content Repurposing Guide (Valued at $17)

PDF of types of content you can create (Valued at $10)

Student-Client Facebook Group (Valued at $300) 

Let's Recap... Here's Everything You're Getting Today!
Content Planning 101 is the perfect course to help you plan and create engaging content your audience loves without spending all your time creating content.

Lifetime Access to the original recording and slides (Valued at $97)

All course modules and new video lessons, as well as all future updates (Value $397)

Yearly Content Planning Trello Board (Valued at $27)

BONUS: PDF of types of content you can create (Valued at $10)

BONUS: Monthly Content Planning Trello Board (Valued at $27)

BONUS: Quarterly Content Planning Trello Board (Valued at $27)

Client - Student Facebook Group (Valued at $197)

BONUS: Fillable Content Planning Template (Valued at $19)

BONUS: KeySearch Keyword Research Masterclass Valued at $47) 

BONUS: Content Planning Spreadsheet (Valued at $19) 

BONUS: Content Repurposing Guide (Valued at $17)

BONUS: A PDF of questions to ask yourself when planning your content strategy (Valued at $10)

BONUS: Creating Content That Converts Training (Valued at $97) Coming May 15, 2024

Join Content Planning 101 Today for ONLY $1,075 $247
(save 75% Today!)
Plus, pay in full today and receive and additional 15% off the course.
More Student Success StoriesFrequently Asked QuestionsFrequently Asked Questions

“Choosing what niche to build your freelancing business or blog on is the most important decision you ever make as a writer. It determines everything you do going forward. So, why not ensure that you make the right choice? With this course, Heather not only helps you find the perfect profitable niche for you but shows you exactly how to become THE EXPERT in your field.

With years of freelancing experience to share, she sprinkles in nuggets of wisdom throughout. Stop guessing, stop wondering and worrying, buy this course and be sure about which niche is right for you. Or should I say write for you?”

Nadalie Bardo
It's All You Boo
Frequently Asked Questions

How can we help you decide if Content Planning 101 is right for you?

  • What if I’m just starting out?
    As long as you know some of your competitors, have a brand you want to grow, and plan on using content, this method will work for you. It will still work if you need to do a lot of competitor research or find the right tools and other resources; it just may take you a little longer to create your content plan. But it won’t take weeks or months. In fact, if you’re new, you’ll start out planning your content the right way.
  • When do I get access?
    Immediately! As soon as you pay, you'll receive an email from Thrivecart with your login details.
  • Do you have an affiliate program?
    Yes! You'll be invited to earn 40% commissions on every referral you make as soon as you purchase.
  • Do I need any expensive software?
    Nope! I’ll let you know the tools I use in the course, but you can do everything with free tools and the ones I provide you with the training.
  • How long will this take?
    The original training itself is around 60 minutes. And the course may take a few hours to get through since I coursified the initial training.

    Once you go through the training, you’ll have everything you need to get started + the resources you need. If you need to come up with a launch and promotional calendar first, you should still be able to create a content plan in two days or less. It takes me less than a day.

    The more information you have, the faster the process will be. You just need to commit to the time to plan things out, but you can do that in phases if you need to and still be light years ahead.
  • With all the free information out there, why should I invest in a course to write better content?
    The significant benefit of buying courses is that they help speed up the process by teaching you how to avoid mistakes. Plus, it would take a long time to piece everything together from free information. I’ve saved you the trouble and put it in a neat little package with a bow.

    If I had an affordable option that showed me the shortcuts when I started, I would have gladly used it instead of wasting time trying to create a content plan the hard way.
  • What if I don’t learn anything new? Do you give refunds?
    If you feel like you didn't learn anything new, let me know within seven days, and I will refund your money in full.
  • I’ve got another question.
    Great! Shoot me an email at, and I will be happy to answer any questions you have.
 Ready to crack the code to your indecipherable content strategy?

Get instant access to the course today.

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  • Preferred option
    One-time payment (247.00)$247.00
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    Split pay (3x $83.00)3x $83.00
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    Split pay (4x $62.00)4x $62.00

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Imagine if content creation didn't feel like you're spinning on a hamster wheel and can't get off...

Feel liberated from the overwhelming pressure of constantly creating content because you won't be writing your content last minute.

You'll be able to spend less time creating content and more time working on the other money-making aspects of your business.

Creating a flexible content plan allows you to change things around easily while still having a plan in place.

Say goodbye to the stress and frustration of constantly feeding the content monster

Rediscover your passion for content creation and enjoy the process again

Experience a newfound sense of control and confidence in your content marketing strategy

Craft a message that truly resonates with your audience and builds a loyal following as well as selling more of your offers.

See real results in your business as your audience grows and engagement increases

.Finally feel fulfilled and inspired by the content you're creating, rather than drained and burned out.

More Student Success Stories

"The Niche Ninja Mini-Course walked me through the entire process of choosing a profitable niche, from identifying my ideal reader to researching each niche to determine whether it's in demand and how competitive it is.

While working through the course, I used the beautifully designed worksheets to come up with a list of profitable niche ideas for my next blog and finally narrowed it down to a topic that is both in demand and one that I would enjoy writing about.

If you've been spinning your wheels trying to decide on a blog or freelance writing niche, stop now and take this course!" ~ Tonya Mickelson

"I bought your course LinkedIn Marketing Magic when I purchased the Writer's Toolkit Bundle from Ultimate Bundles. I am not actually a content writer; I'm a proofreader, but your course translated well to my career needs.

"Your course has proven invaluable to me. I had no idea how to approach this platform, and now I feel confident. confident as an introvert who hates putting herself out there can be anyway! I started sending out personalized connection requests to strangers last month. I am happy to say about half to two-thirds of them have accepted to date.

What has me really staggered is that in approximately the last ten days I have been receiving connection requests on a regular basis! Including from writers, the very people I set out to reach. (Although I admit I have been surprised that only one or two have bothered to send messages with their request. That in itself shows me how valuable it is to personalize connection requests.)

I see it's clearly time to start doing some cold-pitching. I have you to thank for that. I just have to work up the nerve to try this next new step...."  ~ Michelle

"I absolutely love the Standard Content Planning Outline! All your blog writing tools seem to help me organize my content writing. Thank you for sharing." ~ Kim

"I watched your workshop a couple of days ago and started using the Trello board to plan my Q1. It’s feeling great to have a plan!" ~ Katie S.

Still reading...

If you're still reading this sale page you know I can help you get your content creation processes streamlined.

If you're hesitant to purchase because you have more questions or aren't sure if Content Planning 101, feel free to email me at