Content Catalyst SEO Hub

Boost your online presence and visibility

Maximize your impact

Generate more sales and revenue

Looking to streamline your content creation process and get more organic traffic without the hassle of managing multiple tools?
The Content Catalyst SEO Hub is for you if...

You’re tired of feeling like you spend more time creating content than you do with your friends and family.

You feel like all you do is plan your content on the fly and just winging it instead of using a well-designed system.

You're tired of feeling like your competitors are always one step ahead of you in search engine rankings.

You're overwhelmed by the constant changes in SEO algorithms and struggle to keep up with the latest trends.

You're frustrated with the lack of visibility your content receives online despite your best efforts.

You feel like you're constantly reinventing the wheel with your content strategy without any clear direction or purpose.

You're overwhelmed by the sheer volume of content creation tools and platforms available, unsure of which ones are worth investing your time and money in.

You're tired of feeling like you're spinning your wheels with your content strategy, unsure of how to get your message in front of the right audience.

That's Where the Content Catalyst SEO Hub Comes In

Imagine waking up each morning to discover that your website's organic traffic has doubled overnight, all thanks to the strategies you've implemented with the Content Catalyst SEO Hub.

Or picture this: effortlessly planning your content strategy months in advance, knowing exactly what topics to cover and when to publish them for maximum impact. 

With the Content Catalyst SEO Hub, you'll never have to worry about scrambling to come up with ideas or missing important deadlines again.

Easy Content Planning

With the Yearly Content Plan Overview and Monthly Content Plan in the Content Catalyst SEO Hub, plan your content effortlessly, saving hours each week.

Uncomplicated SEO Optimization

With the On-Page Optimization Checklist, optimize your content effortlessly, improving your search engine rankings and visibility.

Data-Driven Decision Making

Use the SEO Audit Template to analyze your website's performance, make informed decisions to enhance your SEO strategy, and boost your online presence.

Competitive Edge

Stay ahead of the competition with the Competitor Content Analysis Tracker, gaining valuable insights into your competitors' strategies and identifying opportunities to differentiate your brand.

Banish Writer's Block

Harness the power of The Content Idea Vault to discover fresh and engaging content ideas, ensuring that your content resonates with your audience and drives meaningful interactions.

Keyword Mastery

With the Keyword Tracker, master your SEO strategy by monitoring keyword performance, allowing you to adapt and optimize your content for maximum impact.

Efficient Blog Management

With the Blog Post Tracker, efficiently manage your blog content by logging each post, tracking updates, and recording promotion efforts on social media and your email list.

Slap that button below to get the Content Catalyst SEO Hub Now

What Customers and Clients Are Saying About All My Digital Products and Services

"You need the Niche Ninja Mini-Course!"

Everyone talks about "You need to niche down" or "choose a profitable niche," and Heather makes it easy to understand HOW to go about doing both of these. Her workbook walks you through the process of how to dig a bit deeper and get to the core of choosing a niche you'll want to spend time writing about and working with.

~Kelli Shipp

"Heather makes it easy to understand."

"Everyone always talks about Niche down, and No one explains how to do it. After taking this course, I was able to pick a profitable niche and feel confident in my choice. This course gave me tools I will be able to use throughout my business. Thank you, Heather, you are the best!!"

~Tiffanie Mayo

More Testimonials

I bought Content Planning 101 when it originally launched as a Paid Live Training, so the price was an instant yes, and since I've been in your world for over a year and a half, you're my go-to for all things content creation.


Every product I have of yours has practically been a version of you guiding me every single step of the way through something, and I knew Content Planning 101 would be incredible like your other products. One thing that I was massively intrigued about, which I'd never heard of before, was the method you use yourself for content planning. 


I was really overwhelmed and stressed about content planning because it's been so long since I've written a blog post that I lost confidence, and planning isn't my strongest point. But I know I needed to get my arse into gear and start again, but this time with planning and a strategy in place. 


Now, I feel relieved and like a huge weight has been lifted off my shoulders because the entire process of content planning is laid out in a way that's really easy to understand and take action with. 


My biggest takeaway was the strategy you go into detail about; it is GENIUS!

Ami Hook-Ireland
Why I Created the Content Catalyst SEO Hub
Hey there, I'm Heather! 
Like you, I know the challenges of staying on top of SEO while creating captivating content. It can feel overwhelming, right? That's why I developed Content Catalyst SEO Hub - to be your ultimate companion in the content creation journey. I wanted to offer a solution that boosts your website's visibility and fosters meaningful connections with your audience. Because let's be real, we all crave that recognition and engagement.

With Content Catalyst SEO Hub, you have everything you need under one roof to manage and track your content effortlessly. Say goodbye to the hassle of switching between multiple tools or trying to figure out if your content is optimized enough. This hub is here to simplify your life and amplify the impact of your content. Let's embark on this journey together and make your content creation process smoother and more successful than ever before!"
Writer's Life for You has been featured on:

But wait, there's more! I'm throwing in these bonuses because what's birthday cake without ice cream?

The Content Creation Idea Vault Trello Board

Designed to inspire and guide your content creation journey, this is the Trello version of the vault in your Airtable base. It's your go-to resource for crafting engaging and impactful content.

Yearly Content Planning Trello Board

Plan your content roadmap for the entire year like a pro with this comprehensive Trello board version of the one in the Airtable base,

Monthly Content Planning Trello Board

Stay organized and on top of your content game each month with this handy Trello board version of the Monthly Content Planner in your Airtable base,

Quarterly Content Planning Trello Board

Break down your content strategy into actionable quarterly plans using this versatile Trello board, empowering you to adapt and optimize your content for maximum impact.

The Fillable Content Planning Google Workbook

Take the guesswork out of planning your blog posts with this customizable Google Workbook, equipped with templates and prompts to streamline your content creation process and boost your productivity.

The Fillable Content Idea Generator

This dynamic Idea Generator is another source of content inspiration, designed to spark your creativity and fuel your content strategy with fresh, engaging concepts.

Here's Everything You're Getting When You Purchase Content Catalyst SEO Hub Today...

The Content Catalyst SEO Hub  ($ 97  value)

Instructional Videos: To help you learn how to use your new favorite tool ($17  value)

Mini-SEO Training: I walk through the different SEO elements and strategies the board covers. ($ 27 value)

The Content Creation Idea Vault Trello Board ($27 value)

Monthly Content Planning Trello Board ($27 value)

Quarterly Content Planning Trello Board ($27 value)

The Fillable Content Planning Google Workbook ($19 value)

The Fillable Content Idea Generator ($17 value)

Get Everything For Only $258 $47
"I would absolutely recommend this training!"

“I always seem to be planning my content on the fly and decide to do "whatever," so this seemed like a well-thought-out system (and not just winging it). 

 The biggest light bulb went off when you talked about planning content around things that I'm selling or promoting that month. Then it seemed obvious what content I needed to create; I just had to fill in the blanks with topics already in my "vault" of content ideas. I can finally batch!! 


I've planned out my whole quarter, and if I wanted to, I could plan out the whole year!! 


I would absolutely recommend this training to anyone who struggles to know "what to talk about" in any given month or week and wants to plan things ahead.”

~ Anna Crosby - Content Planning 101

“The Imposter Syndrome Antidote was very informative. Now I am excited to use what I learned in real life. I would definitely recommend Heather and her courses.”

Geraldine Sebastion
The Imposter Syndrome Antidote Student

“I was already familiar with HARO and have recently been featured on several high-profile websites through HARO. I was super interested in whatever tips Heather could give me and whatever light she might shed on how I could increase my chances of being used for a publication.

She gave some really nice insight into exactly what reporters were looking for and how to increase my chances of them using my material. Explaining where to put my credentials was a super helpful hint. 

I would never have thought about the importance of strategically mentioning two or three of the publications I’ve been featured in, especially if they related to the topic at hand. I also really liked the templates. That certainly takes some of the work out of the task of creating pitches.

I would definitely recommend this course. ”

Hope Ware From Under the Median
HARO Backlink Hacks

"I bought the course because I'm working on building SEO and helping my clients improve their podcast SEO, so this course was exactly what I needed. Before it, I had never heard of SEO. As I worked through the course, I now feel comfortable with the topic. I’m still working on it, but I love the info.”

~ Aeoliana Elliott         SEO Content Writing Course Student

“I didn’t know anything about imposter syndrome before I started the course, and now I feel like I know everything about it. It really helped me see that I am not alone and that there is help. I would definitely recommend Heather and this course.”

~ Debbie Burns         The Imposter Syndrome Antidote                                             Student

“I absolutely love the Standard Content Planning Outline! All your blog writing tools seem to help me organize my content writing.”

~ Kim Stevens        Content Planning Template Customer

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Unlock the Power of Keywords with KeySearch: Dominate the SERPs Now

Special Offer Only $47 $12 On This Page Only
Tired of struggling to rank your content on Google? Unleash the power of KeySearch with our Keyword Research Masterclass! Learn how to choose the right keywords, boost your SEO game, and outshine the competition. Ready to drive more organic traffic and achieve content marketing success? Add this game-changer to your order now!

Just $12, but only on this page.
  • Total payment
  • 1xContent Catalyst SEO Hub - 2024$47

All prices in USD

Content Catalyst SEO Hub - 2024$47

Frequently Asked Questions

Questions smart people ask!

  • What exactly is Content Catalyst SEO Hub, and how can it help me as a content creator or blogger?
    This hub is your all-in-one dashboard for content planning and SEO optimization. You can keep track of your blog posts and keywords, store information you find on your competitors, use the SEO-optimization checklist to make sure your blog posts are optimized well, and much more!

    I made it simple to track the most important things and plan your content without switching between multiple tools.
  • How user-friendly is the Airtable database interface for someone who may not be very tech-savvy?
    I totally understand the tech issue! I created videos walking you through each table and showing you how to use them (It’s kind of a mini-SEO training, too). I also made a video on how to customize your Airtable base and change the different fields and elements.

    It’s the video I wish I had when I bought my first Airtable product. And you can always reach out to me with specific questions at
  • Do you have a refund policy?
    No, due to the nature of this product, which is digital, I can't offer refunds, but the low price helps you invest with little risk for great rewards.
  • How does this tool assist in creating high-quality and engaging content that resonates with my target audience?
    With the bonus Trello boards and yearly and monthly content planning tables, you can set up a general content plan overview for the year and map out what to post each month. With the Competitor Content Analysis Tracker, you can snoop on what the competition is doing and find new content that your audience will love.

    The best thing is that this Airtable base allows you to plan ahead of time (even if you’re not a planner), so you can batch and finish your content ahead of time. With

    The Content Idea Vault, you can log content ideas when you think of them, and The Content Idea Generator gives you plenty of ways to come up with content ideas.
  • Do I need any expensive software?
    You'll need a free Airtable account, but if you aren't familiar with this tool, I've created videos teaching you how to use it and what tables are included.
  • Will Content Catalyst SEO Hub keep me informed about the latest search engine algorithms and SEO best practices?
    No, the hub will help you optimize your content and track your rankings to see when you need to reoptimize your content. Using the On-Page SEO Optimization Checklist will also help you write SEO-optimized content. But search engine algorithms change frequently, so this base won’t help you with that.

    I will add to it and update it over time, but the checklist and other SEO features are based on fundamentals that won’t change.
  • How does the tool help me understand my competitors' strategies and differentiate my brand effectively?
    The Content Catalyst SEO Hub has a table just for analyzing your competitor’s content so you can see what strategies they’re using and the content they’re publishing. This allows you to find content gaps that you aren’t covering or that they aren’t covering so you can differentiate your content from theirs and publish topics they aren’t.
  • What kind of SEO metrics can I track and analyze using Content Catalyst SEO Hub?
    The Hub allows you to track your on-page SEO metrics so you can audit your own content and analyze your competitors' SEO strategies. Tracking these metrics is very helpful for creating new content and updating old posts.
  • Can Content Catalyst SEO Hub help me attract more organic traffic to my website?
    Yes, because the SEO-optimization checklist tells you exactly where to put your keywords and the most important things to do before and after publishing your content. The Hub also helps you track your posts so you can re-optimize them when necessary. This tool makes it easy to add your content creation tasks to your schedule and track and record the most essential information.
  • How does the tool support me in making informed decisions for my SEO and content strategy?
    By tracking and recording the most important information, the tools help you focus on the most critical aspects of SEO and create a content plan that allows you to sell your offers easily. With the data you get from analyzing your posts and your competitors, you’ll be able to make data-informed decisions when it comes to your content instead of assumptions.
  • What if I have other questions?
    I can help you with any questions you have; just email me at

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